Rajendra attended winter school 2018 organized by The Russell Berrie Nanotechnology of Technion University on spectroscopic technologies.
OPEN SOURCE CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS WORKSHOP October, 15-16, 2018 - Brno, Czech Republic24/10/2018
Dr. Hadar Ben-Yoav has been chosen to receive the Electrochimica Acta Travel Awards for Young Electrochemists. Dr. Ben-Yoav will receive the award at the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry. In the meeting, he will present his work on the Next Generation of Miniaturized Biochemical Sensors for Real-Time Detection of Neurological Diseases.
Link to the 69th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry - annual69.ise-online.org Link to the Electrochimica Acta Travel Awards for Young Electrochemists -https://www.journals.elsevier.com/electrochimica-acta/news/winners-of-the-electrochimica-acta-travel-awards-for-young-e Our PhD student Rajendra Shukla has been selected to receive the Erasmus scholarship! The scholarship allowed him to attend a unique summer program in Chemometrics at Radboud University, Netherland (https://www.ru.nl/radboudsummerschool/). Well done, Rajendra!
We took some time off to travel in Nahal David near Ein Gedi. Great warm weather for chilled pools.
It was great fun with such a nice teammates. Thank you very much to everyone for making the trip unforgettable. It was very nice trip to "Nahal Havarim". It was amazing to see the ROCKS shining in moon light. Everyone has well played their role to make the trip unforgettable and joyful. We had a lot of Fun. Thank you NBEL.
Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.
Your wedding day will come and go, but may your love forever grow. |